preprocessor.feature_selector package


preprocessor.feature_selector.feature_selector module

This File contains the FeatureSelector class. To run this script uncomment or add the following lines in the [options.entry_points] section in setup.cfg:

console_scripts =
feature_selector = feature_selector.__main__:main

Then run python install which will install the command feature_selector inside your current environment.

class preprocessor.feature_selector.feature_selector.FeatureSelector(conf)[source]

Bases: preprocessor.preprocessor.Preprocessor

The FeatureSelector preprocessor class

Core preprocessor task after starting the instance with the main method.
Decide from the arguments, what method to call.

Args: args (obj): command line parameters as objects


Process the dataset.


Process the dataset from a config file.


Parse command line parameters

Parameters:args ([str]) – command line parameters as list of strings
Returns:command line parameters namespace
Return type:argparse.Namespace

Save preprocessed data and the configuration of the preprocessor.[source]

Entry point for console_scripts

preprocessor.feature_selector.feature_selector.score_func_classification(X, Y)[source]

Used to score the features for feature selection, for regression. To be used in the fFeatureSeclector.feature_selection() method.

preprocessor.feature_selector.feature_selector.score_func_regression(X, Y)[source]

Used to score the features for feature selection, for regression. To be used in the fFeatureSeclector.feature_selection() method.

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