Source code for preprocessor.data_trimmer.data_trimmer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This File contains the DataTrimmer class. To run this script uncomment or add the following lines in the
[options.entry_points] section in setup.cfg:

    console_scripts =
        data-trimmer = data_trimmer.__main__:main

Then run `python install` which will install the command `data-trimmer`
inside your current environment.


import argparse
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from preprocessor.preprocessor import Preprocessor
from itertools import zip_longest 

# from data_trimmer import __version__

__author__ = "Harvey Bastidas"
__copyright__ = "Harvey Bastidas"
__license__ = "mit"

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DataTrimmer(Preprocessor): """ The Data Trimmer preprocessor class """ def __init__(self, conf): """ Constructor using same parameters as base class """ super().__init__(conf)
[docs] def parse_args(self, args): """ Parse command line parameters Args: args ([str]): command line parameters as list of strings Returns: :obj:`argparse.Namespace`: command line parameters namespace """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Dataset Trimmer: trims constant columns and consecutive zero rows from the end and the start of a dataset." ) parser.add_argument("--from_start", type=int, default=0, help="number of rows to remove from start (ignored if auto_trim)") parser.add_argument("--from_end", type=int, default=0, help="number of rows to remove from end (ignored if auto_trim)") parser.add_argument("--remove_columns", action="store_true", default=False, help="removes constant columns") parser.add_argument("--no_auto_trim", action="store_true", default=False, help="trims the constant columns and trims all rows with consecutive zeroes from start and end") parser = self.parse_cmd(parser) pargs = parser.parse_args(args) self.assign_arguments(pargs) if hasattr(pargs, "from_start"): self.from_start = pargs.from_start if hasattr(pargs, "from_end"): self.from_end = pargs.from_end if hasattr(pargs, "remove_columns"): self.remove_columns = pargs.remove_columns if hasattr(pargs, "no_auto_trim"): self.auto_trim = not(pargs.no_auto_trim) else: self.auto_trim = True
[docs] def core(self): """ Core preprocessor task after starting the instance with the main method. Decide from the arguments, what trimming method to call. Args: args (obj): command line parameters as objects """ if (self.from_start >= 0) and (self.from_end >= 0): self.trim_fixed_rows(self.from_start, self.from_end) if self.remove_columns: self.trim_columns() if self.auto_trim: self.trim_auto() if hasattr(self, "input_config_file"): if self.input_config_file != None: self.config_ds = np.genfromtxt(self.input_config_file, delimiter=",") self.load_from_config()
[docs] def trim_fixed_rows(self, from_start, from_end): """ Trims a configurable number of rows from the start or end of the input dataset Args: from_start (int): number of rows to remove from start (ignored if auto_trim) from_end (int): number of rows to remove from end (ignored if auto_trim) Returns: rows_t, cols_t (int,int): number of rows and columns trimmed """ # remove from start self.output_ds = self.input_ds[from_start : len(self.input_ds), :] self.r_rows = list(range(0, from_start)) # remove from end self.output_ds = self.output_ds[: len(self.output_ds) - from_end, :] self.r_rows = self.r_rows + list(range(self.rows_d - from_end, self.rows_d)) # assign output as new input for performing consecutive trimming of columns if hasattr(self, "remove_columns"): if self.remove_columns: self.input_ds = np.copy(self.output_ds) return from_end + from_start, 0
[docs] def trim_columns(self): """ Trims all the constant columns from the input dataset Returns: rows_t, cols_t (int,int): number of rows and columns trimmed """ self.rows_d, self.cols_d = self.input_ds.shape # initialize unchanged_array as true with size num_columns un_array = np.array([True] * self.cols_d) # in two consecutive rows, search the unchanged values for i in range(self.rows_d - 1): unchanged = np.equal(self.input_ds[i, :], self.input_ds[i + 1, :]) # for each un_array that is true, if the values changed, set it to false un_array = np.logical_and(un_array, unchanged) # remove all rows with true on the un_array self.output_ds = self.input_ds[:, np.logical_not(un_array)] # generate an array with the indexes of the rows marked with true in un_array cols = np.nonzero(un_array) self.r_cols = cols[0] # assign output as new input for performing consecutive auto trimming if hasattr(self, "auto_trim"): if self.auto_trim: self.input_ds = np.copy(self.output_ds) return 0, np.sum(un_array)
[docs] def trim_auto(self): """ Trims all the constant columns and trims all rows with consecutive zeroes from start and end of the input dataset Returns: rows_t, cols_t (int,int): number of rows and columns trimmed """ self.rows_d, self.cols_d = self.input_ds.shape rows_t, cols_t = self.trim_columns() # delete rows from start that contain zeroes from start z_array = self.output_ds[0] == 0 c_add = 0 while np.any(z_array): c_add = c_add + 1 rows_t = rows_t + 1 # delete the first row of the output_ds and updates z_array self.output_ds = np.delete(self.output_ds, [0], axis=0) z_array = self.output_ds[0] == 0 self.r_rows = self.r_rows + list(range(0,c_add)) return rows_t, cols_t
[docs] def load_from_config(self): # get the number of rows in the config_ds n_rows = len(self.config_ds) # update rrows and rcols self.r_rows=self.config_ds[:, 0] self.r_cols=self.config_ds[:, 1] # replace -1 in the config_ds with None self.cr_rows = [None if int(x)==-1 else int(x) for x in [self.config_ds[:, 0]]] self.cr_cols = [None if int(x)==-1 else int(x) for x in [self.config_ds[:, 1]]] # convert each column to binary array self.br_rows = np.zeros(n_rows) self.br_cols = np.zeros(n_rows) self.br_rows[self.cr_rows] = 1 self.br_cols[self.cr_cols] = 1 # remove the rows marked with true from the input_ds in the first array from the config file self.output_ds = self.input_ds[np.logical_not(self.r_rows), :] # remove the columns marked with true in the second array from the config file self.output_ds = self.output_ds[:, np.logical_not(self.r_cols)]
[docs] def store(self): """ Save preprocessed data and the configuration of the preprocessor. """ print("self.output_ds.shape = ", self.output_ds.shape) config_rows = list(zip_longest(self.r_rows, self.r_cols, fillvalue=-1)) _logger.debug("output_file = "+ self.output_file) np.savetxt(self.output_file, self.output_ds, delimiter=",") if (self.output_config_file == None): self.output_config_file = self.input_file + ".config" _logger.debug("ocf = "+ self.output_config_file) np.savetxt(self.output_config_file, config_rows, delimiter=",")
[docs]def run(args): """ Entry point for console_scripts """ data_trimmer = DataTrimmer(None) data_trimmer.main(args)
if __name__ == "__main__": run(sys.argv)